What is club volleyball?
Club volleyball consists of regionally organized and governed training programs for boys and girls interested in obtaining advanced level training and competition in the sport of volleyball. Players participate after or before their school volleyball season and compete against other club programs. Club volleyball also works to promote the sport of volleyball and to teach the skills needed for a lifetime of play. LIVBC is a member of the Garden Empire Volleyball Association (GEVA) region of USA Volleyball and AAU Volleyball.
How do I get involved?
All players must attend a tryout. LIVBC tryouts are usually scheduled mid August. Exact dates are posted on the LIVBC website, www.livbc.com by mid-October.
How are teams selected?
Team members are chosen for various talents. Athletic ability, position, effort, attitude, and endurance are among the attributes viewed when determining the structure of a team. When athletes are evaluated during a tryout, coaches are asked to utilize as many “objective factors” as possible. We will field as many teams as we can. based on talent and the availability of coaches. There may be cuts in one age group, but not in others. Your position will be determined by ability and the needs of the team. Players may be chosen to play a different position than they played on their high school team.
How many players are on a team?
Approximately 10-12 players are chosen for each team.
What age group should I tryout for?
All players must tryout based on your USA & AAU Volleyball Age.
Your age is the age you are on June 30, 2025. EX: If you are born on June 30, 2007 you are an 18. Born on July 1, 2007, you are a 17. Movement to a higher level will be determined by LIVBC and the needs of the teams.
How much does it cost to join?
Tuition is discussed at the parent meeting which is held on the first day of tryouts.
Does tuition cover all player expenses?
What tuition covers:
Gym space, Liability Insurance, Equipment, Coaches fees and travel expenses, Administration, Tournament Entry fees and Uniforms (2 shirts, shorts and warm-ups.
What tuition does not cover:
Travel expenses to and from tournaments, as well as hotel expense and food. Parents are responsible for providing transportation to all tournaments. For overnight tournaments, we try to book hotels that offer breakfast as part of the room fee. All of this will be discussed at the parent meeting.
How many tournaments are included in my membership?
The number of tournaments may vary from year to year, but we usually attend 5-6 tournaments each season.
Do parents have to attend all the tournaments?
While parent support is greatly appreciated, parents are not required to attend all tournaments. However; you will still be required to arrange transportation and supervision for your son at the tournament.
What is a team parent?
A team parent is a responsible adult assigned to each team and serves as a liaison between players, parents, coaches and directors. If you are interested in volunteering to be a team parent, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
How do I book a room for the each tournament?
LIVBC will block a number of rooms for each team. It is the parents’ responsibility to call the hotel and reserve a room on their credit card. Details about each hotel we book will be posted on our website listed under the specific tournament.
When and where do you practice?
The boys will practice twice per week, Thursday at The Sports Arena in St. James and the other at the Henry Kaufmann Camp Grounds (HKC) in Wheatley Heights. The specific days will be determined after tryouts.
How long is the season?
The LIVBC season runs from November through May. Teams who choose to attend AAU Nationals in July in Orlando, Florida have their season extended through early July. Nationals will be discussed at the parent meeting held at tryouts.
Do all players get equal playing time at tournaments?
No. Playing time at a tournament is strictly at the coach’s discretion and will not be equal for all players. All players will get equal training time during practices.